The Expanse is an television series starting in 2015. As of this writing, The Expanse has three seasons released with a fourth one set for release later in 2019. The series is based on a book series of the same name. The television series stars Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper, and Wes Chatham. The four main crew members of the Roci spaceship. The supporting cast include Thomas Jane, Florence Faivre, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Frankie Adams, François Chau, Cara Gee, Terry Chen, Byron Mann, and Nadine Nicole.

The story begins in space and something horrible has happened. From there, in the first season, there are 3-4 main story arcs featuring a Ceres, the Canterbury survivors, Earth, and Mars. The second season has 2-3 main arcs with Roci, Earth and Mars, and the Tycho Station. The third season does something similar for half and another for the second half.
I was able to catch the series recently via my Amazon Prime account. I started towards the beginning of 2019 and recently finished the series. I wanted to watch more and binge, but set my limits and it was pretty good. One of the best series on TV in my opinion. The storyline to the cast kept me engaged. I think having 10-13 episodes per season makes it easier to digest. But that also means a lot of characters do not get their due on screen.
I liked the concepts of the inner and outer planets. The inner planets being Earth and Mars, whereas the outer our for Jupiter and Saturn. Life in space has had a few centuries to develop so we don't have to worry about traveling in space. The three fractions are Earth, Mars, and the Belters. All very good groups and easy to understand.
If you like Science Fiction and the drama of space politics, this is a series for you. The fourth season will be release via Amazon Prime Video and I can't wait.
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