Thursday, March 26, 2009

人魚朵朵 - The Shoe Fairy

I caught The Shoe Fairy (人魚朵朵) via Netflix awhile back. The Shoe Fairy is a 2006 film out of Taiwan by director Robin Lee starring Vivian Hsu and Duncan Chou. It is also one of six project's for Andy Lau's Focus:First Cut films.

The movie is about Vivian Hsu and her eventual marriage to Duncan in the movie. Vivian, prior to her marriage with Duncan, was a shoe-a-holic. Vivian would buy many many shoes and even talked to them. Duncan is a dentist and Vivian happened to chip a tooth one day. That's how they meet and fall in love. But the story is mainly on how they cope with marriage and the many many shoes that Vivian has.

I thought the movie was endearing and the set designs were top notch. I was noticing the way the world was created around Vivian and it was very unique. Sort of a sheik 60s feel.

I suggest you pick this up if you're into Taiwan cinema as its charming and shows the artistic range of the talent from Taiwan.

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