Once Upon a Time in China II (黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強) is 1992 film out of Hong Kong. The film stars Jet Li and Rosamund Kwan. Supporting cast include Donnie Yen, Max Mok, David Chiang, and Zhang Tielin.
The movie starts with the White Lotus sect demonstrating their religion. The movie than shifts to Wong Fei Hung, 13 Aunt, and Leung Koon on a train. Wong has been invited to give a demonstration on Chinese Medicine at a "Western" medical school in Guangzhou. While in Guangzhou, they have run ins with the White Lotus Sect on a few occuasions. Along the way, they meet Sun Yat Sen at the school.
This is my favorite Once Upon a Time in China of the six. The reason is because there are 3 major fights in the movie. The first time Donnie Yen and Jet Li meet, they have an exchange. Wong than has a fight with the White Lotus Sect. The final final fight with Donnie Yen is quite awesome.
The movie improved on story telling, technique and style from the first one.

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