Limitless (藥命效應/逆天潛能/永無止盡) is an 2011 film. The movie stars Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, and Robert De Niro.

Bradley Cooper plays Eddie, a writer with writers block in NYC. Eddie discovers a drug called NZT-48. The drug helps him learn faster, recall all sorts of memories, and even a better fighter. When he uses his new found powers to earn money on the stock market, he becomes a big player. When an even bigger player comes knocking on his door for a really big 40 million deal, Eddie jumps on it. However, his pass and NZT-48 catch up to him. The side effects include black outs and an extreme addiction to it. How will Eddie earn this 40 million and stay ahead of his chasers.
The movie was really hard to follow. There are a lot of characters and lots of loops to remember. I had to rewind a few times to catch up. The movie was good overall and a fun watch. But its a single watch movie. Great acting in Cooper and De Niro, but the story is only a little interesting.
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