The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰/超凡蜘蛛侠2/蜘蛛俠2:決戰電魔) is an 2014 film. The movie stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. The supporting cast include Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Sally Field, and Paul Giamatti. This film is a sequel to the 2012 film The Amazing Spider-Man.

Peter Parker is on his way to his high school graduation where Gwen Stacy is the valedictorian and giving her speech. Peter missed it as he's stopping thieves from hijacking a shipment of plutonium vials. After the graduation, Peter starts to distance himself from Gwen as he thinks his Spider-man activities will endanger her. They break up and we fast forward a year or two. Peter's continued on his super hero adventures while going to school. Gwen is seeking a fellowship in London. Jamie Foxx is a "nobody" that becomes Electro in a freak accident. Harry Osborn returns from aboard to take over Oscorp, but is dying from a family curse. Seeking Spider-man's blood to "self heal", he's angry when scorned. With Electro, Harry go after Oscorp and Spider-Man.
This movie was very entertaining. The movie plays up the Gwen and Peter story to the max. Will Peter's dangerous lifestyle eventually catch up to those around him? Will Gwen's acceptance to the London fellowship permanently break up the couple? The movie plays up the teenage angst but transforms it to young adult responsibility. The villains and how they come into "power" are also essential to the storyline, but the true story is between Peter and Gwen.
Emma Stone is pretty "Amazing" in the film. Emma Stone lights up the screen. She's got it. That "it" that draws your attention to the screen. Garfield does a good job, but this film was almost more for Emma Stone. Thank you Emma.
Go watch it if you like Spider-man. Go watch this if you like action.
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