Friday, May 24, 2024

熱辣滾燙 - YOLO

熱辣滾燙 (YOLO) is an 2024 film out of Zhong Guo. The movie stars Jia Ling and Lei Jiayin. The supporting cast include a who's who of Jia Ling's friends. The movie was released in Zhong Guo during the Lunar New Years film cycle and got first place its first weekend out. At the time of this writing, it is the number one ranked film in Zhong Guo for 2024.

Leying is early thirties but has become a social introvert. Living with her parents, Leying is ok with doing nothing in life and has picked up unhealthy habits such as eating junk food and drinking bears like water. When her family bullies her and her boyfriend breaks up with her to marry her best friend, Leying hits a breaking point. Leying movies out and works at a BBQ store and joins a boxing gym when she gets infatuated with one of the trainers. Leying’s life takes another turn for the worst when the gym teacher scams her. Leying than devotes her life to getting healthy and trains harder in boxing than she ever has. Will these moves in life lead her out of the darkness?

I brought my whole family to watch this movie. It was a feel good movie and we all enjoyed it. Who doesn't want to see an underdog overcome their struggles? I do and so did my family! As for if the movie was any good, who cares?! We all had a good time watching it and talked about it for several more days after. Don't get too caught up in the details of the story and just go along for the ride that the story provides.

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