Friday, September 20, 2024

HBO Max Streaming - 2024

During 2023 Black Friday, HBO ran a 2.99 with ads for 6 months special. I decide to get it.

I started a few anime series and watched a few movies. Maybe 3 out of the 6 months, I got more than $2.99 worth of watching in. There were months I didn't even check.

I also did not like ads. But during the subscription, they started these long ads in front of movies so I didn't have to watch anymore. I noticed many other streamers do the same now.

I think they knew for the 6 month people, they would need to renew to finish the 2nd season of House of Dragons which started 1-2 weeks during all the 6 month people's end date. Renewal to watch to the end. Good stategy. I didn't go for it and cancelled. I didn't care much for the 1st episode and didn't draw me to in to keep the subscription.

With Black Friday about 2+ months away, I will have to work on self control and not get sucked into these deals again.

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