Last night was the second episode of America's Best Dance Crew (Season 5), the East regional.
In last nights episode, it was the five crews from the East. In the end Blueprint, Saltare, and Static Noyze beat out DraZtik and Legendary Seven for the three East spots.
My general impression was that they should just get rid of the south crews and let the East and West go at it. The five crews from this weeks episode where so much better than all of the South crews. It is a shame that 2 of these guys had to bite the dust.
They should really just forget the south this season.
I was hyped to see all 5 crews.
Kevin was a guest judge at the East regionals. Come back Jabba!
Once again, past crews can been seen throughout the audience.
With the East crews, my faith in ABDC is at least restored for one week.
You know that the West isn't going to disappoint. Considering every ABDC champion has come out of the west.
So far, the Asian representation on ABDC has been low. But you can guess that the West will bump that up.
I watched all the Kaba performances from Season 1 last week to get the south regionals out of mind. Kaba. Seriously, they are the best ever. Even if they don't play up the "hype boy" stuff for the crowd, they put on the best shows.

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