A Quiet Place (噤界) is an 2018 film. The movie stars John Krasinski and Emily Blunt. The supporting cast include Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe, and Cade Woodward. John Krasinski was also the director, screenplay writer, and executive producer for the film. John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are also married in real life.
89 days after a earth catastrophe, a family of five are rummaging through an abandoned drug store for cold medicine. On the way back, the youngest, a four year old boy, pulls out a toy and turns it on. Immediate, the father runs to the child, but it is too late. The child is taken away by a blurred shadow. Almost 400 some days later, we re-visit the family on their farm and see a slice of their everyday life. We find out that the mother is pregnant with a child and see their preparations for the baby room. Fast forward a few days later, the father takes the son to stream nearby to do some fishing. While the daughter is left to help the mom. While the father and son are away, the mother begins the process to give birth. Will the creature be back as they are attracted to sound?
The movie was quiet, but there are elements of sound throughout. It is no silent movie. But it is about being quiet so the monsters do not attack. It is also a look into the lives of survivors and how they coupe with struggle and their loss of freedom. John Krasinski and Emily Blunt do an amazing job. The story concept is also a winner. Paramount is already going to create a Quiet Universe movie series. Hope they don't mess up a good thing. John Krasinski may not be on for a sequel as he's already looking to make a movie about life on mars next.
Go watch this film.
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