天龍八部之喬峰傳 (Sakra) is an 2023 film out of Hong Kong. The movie stars Donnie Yen, whom also served as the Director. The supporting actress is Yukee Chen Yuqi. the movie is based on the Qiao Feng character within Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (天龍八部). In the future, there could be other movie(s) based on the other characters of the novel.
Qiao Feng is the leader of thw begger sect and defends the country from the outside barbarian invaders. After a mission of defending the country, Qiao Feng is accused of being a child of one of these outside barbarian groups. The begger sect immediately disowns him and he sets to find out his past. Qiao Feng's investigation leads to many deaths that are blamed on him, leading him to leave his country. Will Qiao Feng ever be able to find out about his past?
This isn't the traditional Donnie Yen action film of late as it incorporates elements of fantasy wuxia. Qiao Feng does do a lot of fighting in this movie and the story goes from mystery solving to facing the Jin Yong storyline of does it matter if you're from the outside?
With only a movie's length time to tell the story of Qiao Feng, the movie is bit dis-jointed for someone that knows the story of Qiao Feng well. There was a drama re-make not long ago. The movie does what it can to tell his story with Azhu and than her annoying sister, Azhi. But in the end, it leaves a cliffhanger for another movie.
天龍八部 and Sakra are both Buddist terms. Not sure hot they match up here as I do not know much about this. 天龍八部 is the eight guardians of some higher diety. Sakra refers some diety. That's where my understanding of the connection ends. I would say that Jin Yong heavily uses monk culture in this series more so than other ones.