Friday, August 21, 2020

炙热的我们 - We Are Blazing

炙热的我们 (We Are Blazing) is an 2020 variety show out of Zhong Guo. The format is that of a survival show where voters vote for their contestants to move on. There are multiple experienced groups that will complete head to head. After 2 loses, they are eliminated. The first groups to complete against each other are SNH48, R1SE, SIS, Penicillin, Black ACE, and S.I.N.G. After a couple of eliminations, Rocket Girls 101 and Shanghai Choir filled in the empty slots.

Unlike survival shows that focus on forming a group to end the show, this format were established groups PKing each other to determine the Super Group. I really liked this format. A LOT. Because the performances were against each other. Each group wanted to show up the other. In a sense, each group and their company wanted to win each round. This lead to some of my favorite performances of 2020. I have many of the songs from the show on my YouTube playlist playing away in the background. My personal favorite group and performance was from SNH48. It was their cover of New Pants, "Do You Want To Dance". I have that song on all the time. I also liked R1SE a lot too. They really showed up with some really good performances.

All in all, I appreciated the talent level of We Are Blazing much more than other survival shows. Its too bad that recent survival show winners THE9, Bon Bon Girls 303, and UNINE was not able to participate. Or even the temporary group 172 Girls. THE9 and Bon Bon Girls 303 would have had a hard time given that they formed after the start of the show and would've been shown how fresh they were. Rocket Girls 101 was an unknown to me before this show and a few minutes of google, it seems that they stepped up their game for the show too. Yang Chaoyue ended up as the "funny girl" for my kids and we've since started watching her most recent drama.

If you're looking for good songs, good performances, and some fun, this is the show for you. If there was anything I disliked was the ending. The first three quarters of the episodes were the best. If you wanted to, you can skip the last couple and focus on the first 8.

Go watch We Are Blazing on YouTube.

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