Comic-con came back this year and so did the Marvel group. If you see the above, Marvel announced the end of Phase 4 with Wakanda Forever. And a quick year and half into Phase 5 before the Avengers films of Phase 6.
Shang-Chi was no where to be found, but Destin Daniel Cretton has since been announced as the director of Avengers 5, currently named The Kang Dynasty.
The television series annoucements were so so for me. I rewatched a bunch of movies for Thor 4 and they are so much better than the televison series. By a lot in my humble opinion. I hope that I do not have to watch the television series to enjoy the movies.
Thor: Love And Thunder (雷神索爾:愛與雷霆) is an 2022 film. The movie stars Chris Hemsworth, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Taika Waititi, and Natalie Portman. The supporting cast include Jaimie Alexander, Russell Crowe, Chris Pratt, Pom Klementieff, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, and Bradley Cooper. The Asgardian actors include Matt Damon, Sam Neill, Melissa McCarthy, and Luke Hemsworth. Although this film is a sequel to Thor: Ragnarok (雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏), the events of this movie take place after Avengers: Endgame (復仇者聯盟:終局之戰).
Since Endgames, Thor has joined the merry band of guardians and they go around saving. We stop on a planet of blue people that need Thor's saving, because their gods have been missing. At the conclusion of saving the planet, they look for their next adventure. When Thor see's a distress signal from a familiar face, Thor splits from the Guardians to investigate. They find this friend and bring them back to earth, because that is where the next attack will be, on the Asgardians. When they get there, they fight the godslayers, Gor. Along the way, we're told of the story of how Jane becomes The Mighty Thor. There, Thor and Jane meet up again. From there, they have to figure out how to take down Gor and maybe figure each other out again.
This fourth Thor was pretty good. I have to admit, after so many clips of the movie on almost every platform I am on, I thought I knew the movie. But I didn't, the clips only go so far as the 2/3 of the movie. The actual premise and Gor's purpose is a bit hidden. There are so many easter eggs as well. From the meeting with Zeus, Celestrals, etc., there is so much to figure out. My comic book knowledge is only up to 2012 or so and things after are a bit murky. But the things they talk about do have a lot to do with Marvel's cosmic storylines. But the MCU does not follow the comics as closely.
I do have to watch this again. And in preperation for Love and Thunder, I watched Ragnrok, Infinity War, and Endgame. Which was helpful to know a little of the back stories. But the movie was a bit of stand alone as well. You just needed to know of where they are at. There were a couple of quick "recap" montages to bring you up to speed.