The King's Avatar (全职高手) is an 2019 drama out of Zhong Guo. The series stars Yang Yang and Jiang Shuying aka Maggie Jiang. There is a large list of supporting cast that go in and out of focus. But the focus stays on Yang Yang's character. I caught this on and off on Netflix from December 2020 through January 2021. But stopped. I finished the last 2/3s during 2021 March and April.

Yang Yang plays Ye Qiu, who is the captain of a Glory team that just won the championship. However, Qiu's management wants to make changes to make more money. Qiu is forced out in a bad way. Qiu wants to keep a low profile and changes his name to Ye Xiu. As Xiu, he applies as a IT network admin working at an e-games shop. There Xiu, regains his love for Glory and re-builds a team to compete. Can Xiu resurrect his gaming life after being forced out.

This series runs a quick 40 episodes. At the end, our family was hoping for another 20. It is rare that we feel this way from a 40 episode series. But we did. There are so many 50+ episode series that do not deserve it. This one did.
I recently started rewatching here and there and I cannot believe how well made it is. This is 2022 now and it has held up against the test of time. Yang Yang is the highlight of the series. But the concept and the many storylines of the team that is built was done extremely well too.
Our whole family is waiting for the 2 series, but it looks like there are no plans. So sad. Yang Yang is a little older and moved over to other types of roles since. E-sports is huge in Zhong guo, but the other series about this are mainly based on LOL, vs a fictional one of Glory.
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