Kung Fu Pop or Kung Fu Hip Hop was a rather entertaining movie. Because its a china production with some HK stars, I had to give them the benefit of the doubt. So, I wasn't expecting a great story, nor great production value. I basically expected a b movie.
Because of my extremely low expectations, it was meet and than some. The story was cheesy. The character development was still happening as the movie ended. The reason behind the battles was cheesy! The cheese factor was extremely high.
But that's what I was expecting! It met it and exceeded them because the dancing was actually pretty good and Kung Fu was a nice addition.
My social commentary on all this is that I hope China develops its own urban culture without having to borrow so heavily from the US. I see that influence on HK and Taiwan. It is even more so in Korea and Japan. Instead of borrowing so heavily as the aforementioned countries, create your own. There's over a billion ppl in China. Not all of them will be middle class. I'd guess that most would be struggling as always for a "better" life. They should create from within. Explore from within. None of this "east meets west" crap. We should be offended by "far eastern" anyways.

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