I recently watched Wong Kar-wai's My Blueberry Nights starring Norah Jones. Made in 2006 and released in 2007, it finally made it to DVD in 2008.
I didn't want to write a blog about it right after I watched it, because I wanted to give it a little time to rest and for a couple weeks to go by. I must say that I thought the film to be average. Kind of how I felt after 2046.
Chungking Express is in my top 20 films all time and In The Mood For Love is my my top 100. So, I have great expectations when a new Wong Kar-wai film comes out. I try not to let the hype get me, but its rather hard since his films take forever to get released.
I am glad I watched it because it was very stylist and revolves around love in isolation, the theme I find in all Wong Kar-wai films.
I also have seen way too many films with Jude Law. That guy needs to chill and stop being in everyones artsy fartsy movie. Because he's been in over 25 movies since 1999. I must have seen 20 of those and not because of him, but because of the films. The guy knows the good scripts!
If you're expecting Wong Kar-wai flair, this movie will give it to you.

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