Unbeatable (激戰:勇者不敗)

I loved this film. I am a huge Eddie Peng fan. I am also a huge MMA fan. Throw that into the ring with a love story plus redemption story, you've got an amazing film.
Linsanity (林書豪旋瘋)

What more can I say. Jeremy Lin is an inspiration to all Americans of Asian descent that has faced obstacles in the sports world.
The Grandmaster (一代宗師)

I watched both the Zhong Guo version and the US version. Both were good and merit its edits. I liked the Zhong Guo better because it felt more natural and episodic.
Oblivion (遺落戰境)

This Sci-fi flick was amazing. In the future, the world has collapsed and humanity hinges some pretty interesting things. The twist and the world it comes from mesmerized me.
Fast and Furious 6 (玩命關頭6)

This movie was non-stop action. Turn your brain off and enjoy the wild ride.
Journey To The West: Conquering The Demons (西遊:降魔篇)

Can a nice guy with a heart of gold survive in this dog eat dog world? This little ditty tries and does in a big way.
So Young (致我們終將逝去的青春)

Coming of age story mixed with nostalgia of an era not so far from our present past. Set in a backdrop of turn of the century economics. When you're young, the future always seem so bright. Call it innocence.
Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (狄仁傑之神都龍王)

This mystery caper was cheesy and not as strong as its predecessor, but it was entertaining and a set up for a franchise for years to come.
Iron Man 3 (鋼鐵人3)

I am Iron Man! 'Nuff Said...
Admission (愛在招生部)

Interesting twist and turns of a middle aged "coming of age" story mixed in there.
Personal Tailor (私人訂制)

A mainland look at mainland problems in satirical form. All the things insiders mumble under their breath and outsiders proclaim out loud in movie form.
Thor: The Dark World (雷神索爾2:黑暗世界)

This movie made the first Thor seem very tame. The cosmic elements were pretty awesome. Asgard! Just make a movie in Asgard already, forget the other eight realms.
The Way Way Back (三分男孩)

This modern spin on the classic coming of age film is a must watch.