The Los Angeles are now 0-4 for the 2014-2015 season. Looking like 0-82 is likely.
Jeremy Lin played well enough for the Halloween Friday game against their staple-mates, the Los Angeles Clippers. Jeremy Lin finished the game with 17 points and 9 assets. Before the game, most people thought CP3 was going to demolish them and embarrass them. Instead, CP3 was held in check down the stretch, but Blake Griffin had a mvp type monster game. Single handily keeping them in the game. The Lakers had a break out game from Jordan Hill to match the intensity of Griffin. If everyone is going to leave you open and go shadow on Jeremy Lin and Kobe, you better make shots. The shots Hill missed in previous two games dropped. Dropped to the tune of 23 points on 10-15 shooting. However, the putrid defense of the both the Lakers and Clipper let both teams stay in the game. For a good stretch, the scoring was back and forth. Down the stretch, the refs shallowed their whistles when it came to the Lakers and blew it for the Clippers. None was more apparent than the body check non call when Jeremy Lin drove the lane on DeAndre Jordan who had 5 fouls. If the call had been made, there would have been a very good chance the Lakers pull it out. Its hard to say because of Kobe's horrendous shooting down the stretch. However, the game was tied at that point, DJ would have fouled out and the opposite court foul call on Jamal would not have been called. But there were so many other plays in the favor of the Clippers that its really hard say.

Jeremy Lin's 17 came on a little more aggressive play on his end. But many of those plays seemed like broken plays too. The offensive is still so bad. Just when Jeremy Lin fans thought it was a godsend to get out of Houston and McHail's system, you have maybe an even worst system in Byron Scott "system". I put it in quotes because I would rather label it the shoot clock killer offense. I don't have the time to count. But it seemed most of their half court offensive sets don't get the offense started until the 10 second mark. If the offense falters at any point, there's no time to reset and work for another good shot. You only get one chance. OMG, so frustrating watching that offense when CP3 runs around the court and rules the world. Byron Scott does his best to minimize the PG and the effectiveness of that position for this Lakers team. Please run some normal NBA PG sets. Wesley Johnson's three's are so wide open, he's gonna make some. The defense is so honed into stop Linsanity 2.0, other Lakers will be open, OPEN. But that's only happened on broken plays without Kobe. We just had three games where the opposing PGs ruled their offense and it was awesome. But the Lakers have a good PG and they don't even want to use him. WTH?!!
I remember in the off season as they were looking for a coach, I was hoping for a new coach or Lionel Hollins. So sad they brought in Byron Scott. I was excited to see the old showtime Lakers come support him, but that's about it. Until they look at their roster and work to that strength, whatever system he believes in is garbage. Giving up 109, 119, 118, and 127 is ridiculously bad defensive coaching.
On Saturday, Jeremy Lin traveled up to the team that he started in the NBA with, the Golden State Warriors. Jeremy Lin played a bad 2nd half. He made some mistakes, mostly in the 2nd half. But I was frustrated watching the offense run. It seemed whenever they had to run whatever awful play that burns 10 seconds the clock, I was frustrated. Klay thompson got 41 points and wasn't even the first option on offense. If Kobe is sooooo good, he can be that 41 points off the defense collapsing off the first offensive point, Jeremy Lin.
At this point, if the offense still runs this way, the horrendous defense isn't coming. The Lakers are going 0-82.
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