Rise Of The Legend (黃飛鴻之英雄有夢) - USA Release

Sweet 20

戀戀銅鑼燒 (Sweet Bean)

洛杉磯搗蛋計劃 (Papa)

Box Office Pro - retrieved April 22, 2016
Box Office Mojo
Yahoo! Movies Taiwan
Chinese, Taiwanese, and Asian movies, dramas, music, and other tidbits from a Chinese-Taiwanese-American flavor and point of view.
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Zootopia (優獸大都會) |
2 | 10 Cloverfield Lane (末世街10號) |
3 | 樹大招風 (Trivisa) |
4 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (獵神:魔雪叛變) |
5 | The Boy (屍孩) |
6 | 踏血尋梅 (Port Of Call) |
7 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光) |
8 | Hardcore Henry (爆機特攻) |
9 | 老笠 (Robbery) |
10 | 我老婆係明星 (My Wife Is A Superstar) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | The Jungle Book (奇幻森林) |
2 | 谁的青春不迷茫 (Yesterday Once More) |
3 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (猎神:冬日之战) |
4 | London Has Fallen (伦敦陷落) |
5 | 我的新野蛮女友 (My New Sassy Girl) |
6 | 冰河追凶 (Lost In White) |
7 | 刑警兄弟 (Buddy Cops) |
8 | 垫底辣妹 (Flying Colors) |
9 | 火锅英雄 (Chongqing Hot Pot) |
10 | American Ultra (废柴特工) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | The Jungle Book (與森林共舞) |
2 | Zootopia (動物方城市) |
3 | Criminal (換腦行動) |
4 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (狩獵者:凜冬之戰) |
5 | Eddie The Eagle (飛躍奇蹟) |
6 | High-Rise (摩天樓) |
7 | Friend Request (非死不可) |
8 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光) |
9 | Kung Fu Panda 3 (功夫熊貓3) |
10 | Fifty Shades of Black (格雷的五十道黑影) |
11 | 失控謊言 (White Lies, Black Lies) |
12 | The Brand New Testament (死期大公開) |
13 | Look Who's Back (吸特樂回來了!) |
14 | 為什麼貓都叫不來 (Neko Nanka Yondemo Kona) |
15 | 10 Cloverfield Lane (科洛弗10號地窖) |
16 | Eye In The Sky (天眼行動) |
17 | Cinema Paradise (新天堂樂園 - 25週年數位修復版) |
18 | The Divergent Series: Allegiant (分歧者3:赤誠者) |
19 | The Clan (大犯罪家) |
20 | 殘穢:被詛咒的房間 (The Inerasable) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Zootopia (優獸大都會) |
2 | 10 Cloverfield Lane (末世街10號) |
3 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (獵神:魔雪叛變) |
4 | 樹大招風 (Trivisa) |
5 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光) |
6 | 老笠 (Robbery) |
7 | 特工爺爺 (The Bodyguard) |
8 | Demolition (愛情上半場-完) |
9 | 選老頂 (The Mobfathers) |
10 | Eddie The Eagle (我要做鷹雄) |
... | ... |
16 | 暗色天堂 (Heaven In The Dark) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | The Jungle Book (奇幻森林) |
2 | London Has Fallen (伦敦陷落) |
3 | 火锅英雄 (Chongqing Hot Pot) |
4 | 冰河追凶 (Lost In White) |
5 | 我的特工爷爷 (The Bodyguard) |
6 | Zootopia (疯狂动物城) |
7 | 垫底辣妹 (Flying Colors) |
8 | American Ultra (废柴特工) |
9 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明) |
10 | 睡在我上铺的兄弟 (Who Sleeps My Bro) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | The Jungle Book (與森林共舞) |
2 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (狩獵者:凜冬之戰) |
3 | Zootopia (動物方城市) |
4 | Criminal (換腦行動) |
5 | Eddie The Eagle (飛躍奇蹟) |
6 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光) |
7 | Kung Fu Panda 3 (功夫熊貓3) |
8 | 失控謊言 (White Lies, Black Lies) |
9 | 10 Cloverfield Lane (科洛弗10號地窖) |
10 | Look Who's Back (吸特樂回來了!) |
11 | The Brand New Testament (死期大公開) |
12 | The Divergent Series: Allegiant (分歧者3:赤誠者) |
13 | 殘穢:被詛咒的房間 (The Inerasable) |
14 | Cinema Paradise (新天堂樂園 - 25週年數位修復版) |
15 | Eye In The Sky (天眼行動) |
16 | 特工爺爺 (The Bodyguard) |
17 | 暗色天堂 (Heaven In The Dark) |
18 | 路邊野餐 (Kaili Blues) |
19 | Finding Vivian Maier (尋秘街拍客) |
20 | The Lobster (單身動物園) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Zootopia (優獸大都會) |
2 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (獵神:魔雪叛變) |
3 | 樹大招風 (Trivisa) |
4 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光) |
5 | 特工爺爺 (The Bodyguard) |
6 | 選老頂 (The Mobfathers) |
7 | Kung Fu Panda 3 (功夫熊貓3) |
8 | Eddie The Eagle (我要做鷹雄) |
9 | Miracles From Heaven (天堂奇癒記) |
10 | 暗色天堂 (Heaven In The Dark) |
... | ... |
24 | 紅衣小女孩 (The Tag-Along) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | 火锅英雄 (Chongqing Hot Pot) |
2 | London Has Fallen (伦敦陷落) |
3 | 我的特工爷爷 (The Bodyguard) |
4 | Zootopia (疯狂动物城) |
5 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明) |
6 | 睡在我上铺的兄弟 (Who Sleeps My Bro) |
7 | The Revenant (荒野猎人) |
8 | The Boy (灵偶契约) |
9 | Kung Fu Panda 3 (功夫熊猫3) |
10 | 美人魚 (The Mermaid) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | The Huntsman: Winter's War (狩獵者:凜冬之戰) |
2 | Zootopia (動物方城市) |
3 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光) |
4 | Eddie The Eagle (飛躍奇蹟) |
5 | Kung Fu Panda 3 (功夫熊貓3) |
6 | 10 Cloverfield Lane (科洛弗10號地窖) |
7 | Eye In The Sky (天眼行動) |
8 | The Divergent Series: Allegiant (分歧者3:赤誠者) |
9 | 特工爺爺 (The Bodyguard) |
10 | Look Who's Back (吸特樂回來了!) |
11 | Cinema Paradise (新天堂樂園 - 25週年數位修復版) |
12 | 路邊野餐 (Kaili Blues) |
13 | London Has Fallen (全面攻佔2:倫敦救援) |
14 | 我們的那時此刻 (The Moment) |
15 | The Lobster (單身動物園) |
16 | All Roads Lead To Rome (享受吧!羅馬) |
17 | Triple 9 (非法999) |
18 | The Young Messiah (少年彌賽亞) |
19 | 藤田嗣治與乳白色的裸女 (Foujita) |
20 | Room (不存在的房間) |