Monday, April 16, 2018

The Foreigner - 英倫對決

The Foreigner (英倫對決) is an 2017 film. The movie stars Jackie Chan. The supporting cast include Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao, and Katie Leung. The film is based on 1992 novel called the Chinaman. Good thing they went with The Foreigner.

Jackie plays a Ngoc Minh Quan, a former Vietnam War special forces. On the way to take his daughter to a clothing store, the store is bombed, killing his daughter. Devastated, Ngoc sets to find out the party responsible for his daughters death. When no answers come, he goes from one channel to the next until he lands on Liam Hennessy, the current Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, played by Pierce Brosnan. Northern Ireland is part of the UK and with peace there, Hennessy tries to parlay this event into releasing POWs to get re-elected. But Ngoc is persistant and when he starts to find out that Hennessy may be dirty, he goes into action.

This is a new face for Jackie Chan to his English speaking audience. Jackie goes Taken and looks to take out anyone that doesn't tell him who killed his daughter. The movie is gritty and goes guerilla warfare style.

For those of us that watch Jackie's movies in Zhong Guo, they have been getting progressively more gritty, starting with Shinjuku Incident all the way to his more recent films. Jackie's acting has also improved with age.

I was entertained and Liu Tao being in there wasn't too bad either.

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