I was able to finally get the Chinese Paladin 3/仙劍奇俠傳三/仙劍三/仙劍3/仙劍奇俠傳之靈珠神劍 (OST/電視原聲帶) this month. I had been waiting for YesAsia to get it since they sold out of the China versions back in June. I finally did the smart thing and looked on ebay. This month, YesAsia started carrying a Taiwan version of the OST.

The OST has 7 songs and the other 7 are instrumentals.

As I had it on in my rocking mini-van, I was reminded of the series and its good points. Not all 7 are great, but

I liked the booklet it came with. The material is very sturdy. The picture quality is also very good.

The other side of the booklet was nice too. Pictures of the artist and lyrics.
I can't read Chinese well so it didn't matter to me if its traditional or simplified.
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