Sunday, March 31, 2013

Short Break In April

Oh man, these last 3 months have been a blast. Since introducing coverage of the box office for Taiwan, Zhong Guo, and Hong Kong, its been a relief to post. That covers 3 post a week. Which works out, because all three box office results come out on different days. Even if I wanted to post them on the same day, I cannot. I am still covering upcoming movies from Taiwan I deem noteworthy and some US ones like Iron Man 3.

I'll be taking a breather for most of April. I just won't have time to keep up. I just hope it doesn't spill into the rest of the year. I've also recently started to watch HK movies again. I've taken a couple or three years off.

I leave you with a recent popular post of mean for the Zhong Guo family tree. Complicated for sure. Meant to keep you in your place. Below is the Canto version. I have no clue since I don't have a canto background. I suspect these family trees will be really small for one child generation.

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