Thursday, March 28, 2013

Killing Them Softly - 殺戮行動

Killing Them Softly (殺戮行動) is an 2012 film. The movie stars Brad Pitt. The supporting cast include Scoot McNairy, Ben Mendelsohn, Richard Jenkins, James Gandolfini, and Ray Liotta.

The story takes place in Boston somewhere. A card game is hit and the money gone. The local mobsters hire a clean up crew to find out and kill the troublemakers. Brad Pitt plays Jackie, the 2nd in charge of the local mob's hitmen. We follow a week in the lives of the hitman, the two young guys that stole from the card game, the local mobster spokesman, and the card dealer.

This movie was pretty slow. The plot does revolve around Brad Pitt once he enters into the story. From that point on, we she how Jackie encounters problems and deals with them. From the local mobsters to the local low life's. Jackie plays an hitman that's just doing his everyday job. The supporting cast also adds to the story. But this really is Pitt's show. Pitt is up front and center and the story goes as he goes.

Slow but worth the watch. Another charmer from Pitt that did terrible at the Box Office. Pitt doesn't play it safe and we're the ones rewarded with one of Pitt's better performances.

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