Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - 惡靈戰警:復仇時刻

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (惡靈戰警:復仇時刻) is an 2012 film. The movie stars Nicholas Cage. The supporting cast include Violante Placido, Johnny Whitworth, and Fergus Riordan. The movie is primarily based in Europe.

Based eight years after the events of the first Ghost Rider movie, Johnny Blaze is now in Europe. Blaze is approached to guard an boy that is of special interest to Roarke, the demon that Blaze made a deal with. In the event to help protect this boy, the Ghost Rider takes out many a bad guys. However, Roarke gives special powers to another who becomes Blackout and they chase eat other and the boy trust is wishy washy at best with the mother's involvement. There's a big climatic battle at the end!

This movie is not good. But it is enjoyable fantasy based comic book movie. Lots of special effects and a protect the chosen one concept. If you liked the first one, this one was twice what the first movie was in terms of CG and explosions. Yes, lots of guns and explosions.

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