Natural Born Lovers (天生愛情狂) is an 2012 film out of Hong Kong. The movie stars Julian Cheung and Annie Liu. The large supporting cast include Anna Kay, Ciwi Lam, Jinny Ng, and Kathy Yuen.

Julian plays a famous bakery chef with a child star past. One day, he bumps into Annie Liu being rejected by her lover. The bump heads later and she remembers how he didn't help her before. Thus begins the chase to woo Annie. The go to elevators, dates, and they break up. Because Annie is crazy when she gets in love. The kinda of love that suffocates a relationship. Can these two love birds make it work?
The movie was just ok. There was a lot of eye candy to keep one interested. But it's not enough when the story doesn't help it out. Annie and Anna/Mabel do make it hard to take your eyes of the scene. But there's just so much other stuff to distract and make us lose interest. Julian himself seems really old for the role he's in. Playing a late 20s guy didn't seem to fit him. And than there's the story telling. All over the place, but not very clear. Trying to set up moments and character traits seemed to drag. However, I didn't turn it off and watched to the end. Maybe it was the eye candy. Maybe it was loyalty to Julian. Maybe I was just lazy to stop too.
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