Oldboy (原罪犯) is a 2003 film out of Korea starring Choi Min-sik and the lovely Kang Hye-jeong (both pictured below). Oldboy is actually part of a vengence trilogy by director Park Chan-wook. Oldboy is the second installment, preceded by Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and succeeded by Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. The movie is based off a Japanese manga.
Its been a few years since I've seen it. It was being lauded as amazing and a "blow your mind" kind of film in 2004 after its release in Korea in 2003. I picked up a English subtitled version from a local DVD place back in 2004. The sub wasn't bad nor was it good. It was decent and I understood the movie for the most part. I watched it again in 2006 via Netflix. I appreciated it much more the 2nd time around.
Well, to say the least, the movie is a mind trip over and over. The trailer does not do it justice and the fight clips are only a portion of what makes the movie blow your mind.
The movie is laced with action, vengeance, and the ultimate debate of incest. Don't read the synopsis on wikipedia because it reveals to much and watch the movie yourself. Mind trip? Check! Mystery? Check! Violence? Check! Vengeance? Check!
Kang Hey-jeong is a speck of light in the glum movie of violence, deceit, and vengeance. Her beauty is brought forth by a childlike innocence.
I hear that Will Smith is attached for the US remake of this tale of ultimate vengeance. I don't know, I think the twist of this film is not going to go over well with mainstream US audiences.

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