Twilight (暮光之城:無懼的愛) is a 2008 film. The movie stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. The movie is based on Stephenie Meyer's vampire novel of the same name.
Kristen Stewart plays Isabella "Bella" Swan. Bella relocates to Forks, Washington where her father lives. Bella's mom recently remarried and they thought it best for Bella to finish out high school with her father Charlie. Bella runs into Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson. Instantly, the two are in "love". As Bella tries to get closer to Edward, he tries to stay away. Eventually, when Bella is in danger, Edward is there to protect her. Eventually, Edward lets her into his life. The life of a vampire. In a baseball match, 3 vampires come by and find out the Bella is a human and that the Cullen clan wanted to protect her. In sport, the tracker of the group, James wants to kill her. Edward and clan do their all to protect her. When they get to Phoenix, Edward saves the day and kills James.
The movie was pretty straight forward. Guy and girl fall in love with each other. Bad people come. Protect weak girl. Nice formula and it worked for me. I am a sucker for vampire movies. I loved Buffy in the 1990s. And the Blade trinity movie series is one of my favorites.