Last night was the tenth and last episode of America's Best Dance Crew (Season 6), the Finale. I aM mE and ICONic Boyz had to wait out lame movie award promos to see the 5 past champions preform onstage, before finding out who won for season six. Shockingly, I aM mE won season six! Good job guys. I aM mE was the most consistent group on the show and had the most insane routines in comparison to their competitors.
The show itself sucked! Sucked big time. For some lame reason, it was decided to that they had to plug the lame movie awards in-between the ABDC segments. If you ever watch MTV long enough, you hate it. Commercials galore. Makes me wish I had Tivo. Almost. Add in the lame movie award promos, the show was super long. Seriously made for a miserable watch. I hope the reruns cut that crap out.
I am quite shocked that ICONic Boyz didn't win. These boyz rode the wave of goodwill to the finals, never falling into the final two. Even with subpar and predictable performances, they were safe every week. Until now. My previous posts on the ABDC season reflected what seem like an unstoppable marketing force.
I aM mE! Where do you go now? Chachi is 15 and still has to finish at least HS. Moon! Are you going back to the motherland to ring in a new world of hipsters to your success? Can this be a career to bank on for the immediate future? I don't know, but I think it'll all work out fine for you guys. You guys deserve the win. Mad props to I aM mE for using FM's Rocketeer for their final performance song.
So, what of the past 5 champions? With extended timeslots, they were all able to show up a little bit and inject their personalities that have grown since the show. However, I was most impressed with Poreotix and JabbaWockeeZ. Poreotix did their signature style moves and was quite entertaining. These boys have made strides. JabbaWockeeZ gave a Genki Sudo like performance with a huge group and bounce like movements. Quest Crew's wasn't far behind tho! Looks like D-Trix is really no longer part of Quest.
ABDC producers, its time for an all-stars season. Bring back Kaba Modern, Breaksk8, Fysh N Chicks, SoReal Cru, Fanny Pak, Supreme Soul, Beat Freaks, Massive Monkees, Blueprint Cru, and Hype 5-0 for another run at the top!
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