Friday, February 8, 2013

Lawless - 法外之地

Lawless (法外之地) is an 2012 film. The movie stars Shia LaBeouf and Tom Hardy. The supporting cast include Jessica Chastain, Gary Oldman, Mia Wasikowska, Jason Clarke, and Guy Pearce. The movie is based on an novel based on the Bondurant moonshine business of the Prohibition era.

As Prohibition kicks into swing, the moonshine business becomes big business for the folks of the Appalachian mountains. Fast forward to the 1931, the Bondurant family is at the head of the class. The Bondurant borthers of Forrest, Howard and Jack have it good. Forrest is the brians, Howard is the muscle, and Jack is the youngest, seen the least and starts to mess things up. The law has shown up town and tries to take everyone down. Not out of business if you play nice with them.

The movie was pretty low key. I am on the fence of recommending this movie. It does present a slice 1930s prohibition era madness. And it does have Jessica Chastain. But besides that, it's not much of a compiling story. It is unique, but it may be subject matter that isn't all that mainstream.

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