Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Top Ten Favorite Movies of 2014

2014? Clearly we are in 2016 already? Yes, I know, I watch them there movies at a very slow pace. I normally have to wait for them to show up on Blu-ray or on HBO for me to watch the movies. Which gives me that really delayed reaction for making a top films of 2014 list. I just haven't seen them when the foo foo award season kicks off every year. According to Box Office Mojo, there were 702 films released in the US in 2014. Crazy!! I ain't watching that many films unless its my profession. And its not, this blog is a hobby. You can check out the top dozen money making films of 2014 here.

Here are my top films of 2014 of which I've seen at least 59 of!

1 Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 美國隊長2:酷寒戰士 - 美國隊長2 - 美國隊長2:冬日戰士
Some people called this movie Avengers 1.5. I call it an awesome movie. The handcuffs came off and they let Cap go full bad @$$. A fitting next chapter in Phase Two and throwing the Hydra wrench into the MCU.
2 John Wick (捍衛任務)
If Keanu weren't cool enough as Neo. His turn as Wick re-establishes Reeves as an compelling leading man that everyone can get behind. The fast paced no apologies action wrapped into an hitman's underworld intrigued those far and wide.
3 Edge Of Tomorrow (明日邊界)
If Tom Cruise had a sci-fi trilogy to Oblivion and Minority Report, this would be it. Emily Blunt and Cruise light up the screen together. We see a zero become a hero.
4 Guardians Of The Galaxy (星際異攻隊/銀河守護隊)
Introducing new things isn't always a easy thing. Try it for a whole group of people. Before Chris Platt went Jurassic, he was helping to save the galaxy from destruction. Add in an funny script to a new and wonderful world, you have a film that doesn't take itself too seriously.
5 American Sniper (美國狙擊手)
This was a serious film once the war stuff starts. To see the transformation of a man once so full of life, to one that takes them, is truly gut wrenching.
6 The Grand Budapest Hotel (歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店)
Quirky and unique. What can I say, the story was marvelously moved along by slick movie magic. One that will bring in fans on the cult level for generations to come.
7 Big Hero 6 (大英雄天團)
A coming of age story that mixes in the emotions of growing up and losing those around him that he loves. Throw a giant marshmallow to spice things up.
8 Fury (怒火特攻隊)
A troupe of soldiers that are just trying to survive through their tours during WWII. The warfare that happens is hard to fathom. The realistic warfare scenes intermingled with each character trying to just make it out alive.
9 Sabotage (震撼殺戮)
Arnold surprises in this dark look into law enforcement and their proximity to the drugs. Where there is no honor, you'll find corruption.
10 The Maze Runner (移動迷宮)
Surprised I even liked this movie as much as I did. After seeing bits and pieces of it via cable, I realized what an intriguing world they created. Too bad the sequel didn't live up the level set by this first installment.

Retrieved from Box Office Mojo on March 17, 2016

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