Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles, October 2009

KXLA's 44.8 is a new all China channel labeled ICN. But it is run by the IAVC folks.

KSCI's 18.8 is sporadic and shows Super Spy now.

I actually got FiOS TV when I upgraded to FiOS from DSL a few months back. I get 2 versions of Sino TV, one for the LA region and one from San Jose. Zhong Tian is broadcast about 5 hours a day on a channel.

All in all, I miss 44.6 and 18.8 when I am on FiOS. But I switch back and forth once or twice a week.

Related Posts:
Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles
Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles, Part 2
Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles, Part 3
Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles, April 2009
Chinese Language TV in Los Angeles, May 2009

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