Go Lala Go! (杜拉拉升職記/杜拉拉升职记) is a 2010 film out of Hong Kong. The movie stars Xu Jinglei, Stanley Huang, Karen Mok, and Pace Wu. The movie is based in Beijing with some scenes in Thailand. The movie is loosely based on a book called Du Lala’s Promotion.
Xu Jinglei plays LaLa, a career minded women. LaLa starts off at a entry level HR position and works her way up. In that same company, we find Stanley Huang as Wang Wei, the director of the sales department. Wang Wei is in a relationship with Rose, played by Karen Mok. Pace Wu plays Helen, Wang Wei's secretary. They all work in this US company trying to make it in China. Sounds like the company I work for now, except, we're an ant and the company in the movie is a elephant. Du Lala climbs up the ranks of the company. Along the way, a romantic relationship starts with Wang Wei on a trip to Thailand. Will Lala abondon her career or go for love? Can't you have both?
The movie was quite slick and I really thought Pace Wu was drop dead gorgeous. Pace Wu made the movie for me. Seriously too little screen time.
As with most big budget Chinese movies, you'll have to deal with the different Chinese Mandarin dialects as will as the Chingrish. And English. The addition of English into many conversations between Rose and Wang Wei seems forced and un-natural. Top that with Wang Wei's American English accent with Rose's British English accent. Very strange indeed.
In the end, I liked the film, but felt that there was something missing at the end.
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