Ninja Assassin (忍者刺客) is a 2009 film starring Korean pop icon Rain. The movie was highly anticipated due to the involvement of Rain and the Wachowski brothers.
The movie starts off with the destruction of a Yakuza gang lead by potty mouth Sung Kang getting a traditional Yakuza tattoo. When a note is sent to them, the tattoo artist is shocked and tells the gang that their demise is imminent. The gang laughs at such a preposterous concept. But the lone ninja comes and destroys the gang. The ninja comes out of the shadow and you can tell its Rick Yune. Fastfoward to Rain with his flowing locks as Raizo. Flashback to his training as a Ozunu clan ninja proceeds to be scattered threw the first half of the movie. Rain is tracked down by a Forensic Researcher of Europol and they go on a hunt for the leader of the Ozunu, of which Raizo has renegaded from. Lots and lots of fighting happens after this. With a few minor twists.
The movie was pretty bad. From Rain's faux robo voice to the CG fighting. The way Rain wins battles is a very very unbelievable. Because you have to take into account what he does to others and reconcile with why those things don't happen to him in a fight. Maybe Raizo is just that good. Don't ask, just believe.
Rain does get to show off his impeccable body to the masses. Rain is just adding to the reputation of leading Korean men having yolked physics. What's gonna happen to fatty when he comes along?
Lots more issues for me though. I know Rain is a superstar in Asia, but I completely missed that boat. I really have no clue who this guy is other than that he dances very well. I don't know his music nor his k-dramas. So, add that to a ninja role, I really had to suspend belief.
Benefit of the doubt I gave, but the return I got was a jumbled mess. I really wanted to like this movie.
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