Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beauty On Duty - 美麗密令

Beauty On Duty (美麗密令) is a 2010 film out of Hong Kong. The movie stars Charlene Choi, William Chan, and Sandra Ng. But the film is a really an ensemble cast of over 10 people that contribute to the main story.

Charlene Choi is a tough nosed cop that is recruited to go undercover in a beauty pageant. Choi is there to protect the daughter of a key witness. However, the key witnesses old boss has sent killers to off the daughter. It's up to the crack staff of HK and Zhong Guo police to stop these guys and convict the bad guys.

The movie was quite bad. I was only in because I generally like Charlene and usually watch her stuff. However, this ensemble cast was not all there. The hi-jinx were all really cheesy. The gurls were all eye candy, but that was it, nothing to keep you around.

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