Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kung Fu Hip-Hop 2 -- 精舞門 2

Kung Fu Hip-Hop 2 (精舞門 2) is a 2010 film out of Zhong Guo. The movie stars Wilson Chen, Zhou Qiqi, Wang Zi, and Michael Tse. The movie is a non related sequel to the 2008 film.

Wilson Chen is the leader of a dance crew whom is seemingly unbeaten in its local urban circles. In its efforts to not "sell out", it refuses to join competitions or dance for money. Wilson is a dance instructor at a local dance gym and takes on a new student, Zhou Qiqi whom is there because her boyfriend told her to. Michael Tse plays Zhou's boyfriend that is both in control and manipulative. Zhou however finds escape in her new urban dancing and starts falling for Chen. Tse doesn't take lightly to this and forces his hand to show Chen his place in society. Zhou comes from money and how can Chen provide for her. Chen's group breaks up and is forced to join a competition to raise money for a member's sick mom. Let the dancing begin!

Man, I don't even know where to begin with this movie. Zhou Qiqi is amazingly beautiful. Stunning. That was worth the ride for me. Since I liked the first movie, maybe I had a little bit of higher expectation for this film. Which I shouldn't have. It was cheezy and the story was cliche all over. You knew what was going to happen a mile away. The dancing was a little better this time around. Mad prompts to the guys that can put this out and be proud. But they should keep it domestic to Zhong Guo and not let it get out.

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