Yesterday, Jeremy Lin faced what many have said to be the toughest test of the Jeremy Lin era. The Dallas Mavs came to town with a 6 game win streak and appears to be getting into championship form. Jeremy Lin didn't seem too bothered and dropped 28 points, 14 assists, 5 steals, 4 rebounds, and his usual, 7 turnovers on the Mavs to help his Knicks win 104 to 97. The game seemed a game of runs as the Knicks had a 17-0 run in the first and the Mavs stormed back to lead by 10 in the third only to lead by 10 again in the fourth. Throughout, Lin's hand was all over the Knicks offense and defense. Jeremy played 45 and a half minutes. That's less than 2 and a half men...I mean minutes of rest! JR Smith also made his debut after playing in Zhong Guo since the lock out started. 6 different Knicks players scored in double digit, a common occurrence in the Jeremy Lin era. It's gonna be a crowded backcourt for the 2 and 3 spots. You have Fields, Shumpert, Smith, Novak, and Melo fighting for those minutes. Add on that you also have Davis coming back. Wow, the Knicks seemed loaded with talent. I would love to see a LA vs. NYC finals. However, my beloved Lakers can't seem to get things right on the road.

Since Friday nights lost, there's been a lot of things happening around the Jeremy Lin effect. ESPN didn't get away with calling Jeremy a "chink" with the Headline "Chink In The Armor". ESPN actually acted quite swiftly and seems to have "resolved" the situation. However, the apology from the ESPN newscaster Max Bretos of, "My wife is Asian, would never intentionally say anything to disrespect her and that community." does not mean one is immuned from saying racist things about Asians.

Jeremy Lin movie? Better not rewrite it for a "white" lead. Better make it with an "Asian" lead. I would love to see one of the YouTube guys do it like Ryan Higa, Kevin Wu, or Phillip Wang. Or even Freddie Wong or his bro Jimmy Wong. Make it happen. Dood, can Justin Lin direct? Dreams can come true...please?

SNL had to go pretty tasteless and drop as many racist slurs and epitaphs as you can imagine into the open sequence of this past weekend episode. As much as comedy is used to lesson the blow, its still racist in my book and I was offended. I don't expect a apology just like I didn't expect the guy in line with my daughter and I the other day to offer one after he dropped "I thought this was an English speaking.... store" under his breath.

People also seem to be "out to get" Jeremy Lin, basically crediting the SYSTEM for 90 to 100 percent of his success. Meaning, he's be nobody elsewhere, look at Golden State or the Rockets. Yupe, look at those Warriors and Rockets make their push for the 11 or 10 seed in the west. In the Knicks offense, he's free to survey and make things happen. Makes me happy to think whenever I play ball, I am just like Jeremy Lin!

Jeremy Lin and his old schools are making the rounds. As are anyone that brushed paths with him in the past. Even Spike Lee got in on the fun by wearing a Palo Alto HS jersey last Friday and a Harvard one yesterday. Amazing.
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