If you read my other blog posts, you know I am a Los Angeles native and I love, love my Lakers. I didn't want the Knicks to win this game. I wanted Jeremy Lin to have success. But I wanted my Lakers to win. Jeremy can't win every game for the Knicks. And if they were to lose, why not my beloved Lakers?

Now, back to Jeremy Lin. The puns and nicknames are ridiculous. Lin is now a verb. Seriously. Last Friday night, the top story in the sports world was the Super Bowl. Jeremy's breakout game was overshadowed by the game on Sunday. But come this week, do we even remember who won the super bowl? It's now either kronk dancing and Lin-ning.

This game was promoted as Kobe vs. Jeremy. How insane or Lin-sane is that?! Kobe vs. Jeremy Lin! With four highlight driven games and the Knicks winning, you can't help but love this story. Asian or not. Just check out how twitter was trending during and right after the game. Lin scores 38 to lead Knicks over Lakers 92-85.

I am no basketball analysis or insider. I've followed the Lakers and basketball as long as I can remember. Before I got to double digit age, my fondest memories were watching Lakers and UCLA games with my late grandfather. BUT is totally out of the stratosphere. Have there been asian players in the league? Yes, one of the first NBA draft picks was Japanese back in 1947. Since that time, there have been mixed Asians and brothas from ASIA in the league. The biggest being Yao Ming. BUT Jeremy Lin is not taller than everyone, is not going to dunk often, is not going to be on the highlight reel everyday, but he will run the offense and give his team a good chance to win. Great system for Jeremy Lin. There will be lots of other NBA analysis that will examine his ethnic background for his come from nowhere story. People from China and Taiwan will debate if he's Chinese or Taiwanese. Jeremy Lin is a legitimate ground breaker. For all those asian guys in the US that are 9 or 10 or even in high school that think they don't have a shot at the NBA, think again. Jeremy Lin is an example that it can happen. The stereotype of Asians being nerds and geeks will persist since Jeremy Lin went to Harvard. It's inevitable to call him smart based on that pedigree. But this phenomenon is ground breaking for all Asian-Americans in the US, mixed or full. There is hope and you don't have to look any further than Jeremy Lin.
Dood, Jeremy Lin's contract is up at the end of the year. You either extend him, trade him, or he's walking off into the horizon with a sweet next contract.
I don't know how many more Knicks games I can watch. My wife and kids are asking for a husband and father to be there for them. But I am seriously thinking about the NBA League pass so I can catch the rest of the Knick games. I just placed a ridiculous Knicks jersey order for Lin gear.
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