Sacrificed Youth (The Sacrifice of Youth) - (青春祭) is 1985 film out of China by the late Zhang Nuanxin. I saw this movie in 1995 as part of my Chinese film class. It is the only film I remember from that class and it continues to be a movie I search for.
I recently remember to search for it in HKMDB and found it again. But a search of yesasia, amazon, craigslist, and ebay did not give me any results. So, if you know where I can buy this, let me know!
The movie is an episodic one that follows Lee Jun as she's sent to the coutryside for re-eduction during China's cultural revolution. It goes through about 5-7 episodes and is a heart wrenching to see Lee Jun's decline. Is there a timeline? I don't know. But it does not matter to the flow of the film.
If you ever see this movie, put on your thinking cap and be prepared to be schooled on classic filmmaking. The story is something to note of too.
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