Why Him? (惱爸偏頭痛) is an 2016 film. The movie stars James Franco, Bryan Cranston, Zoey Deutch, Megan Mullally, and Keegan-Michael Key. The movie was released during the 2016 holiday season and was not a break out hit.
James Franco plays Laird Mayhew, a Silicon Valley tech CEO. Zoey Deutch plays Stephanie, Ned's daughter, played by Bryan Cranston. The family is invited over to meet the new boyfriend. The uptight Ned is struggling to see Laird being good for his daughter. Let the fun begin.
This was predictable movie. Uptight dad meets over the top son in law to be. The baby girl of the family being married off. So forth and so forth. Lot's of staged laughs. I laughed throughout the film. You probably will to. And a lot. It's been shown on TV a couple of times since and I've stopped to re-watch. It's a funny movie.
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