Bedevilled (金福南殺人事件始末) is a 2010 film out of Korean. The movie stars Seo Young-hee and Ji Seong-won.
Ji plays Hae-won, a modern woman living in Sheol as a banks financial advisor. Hae-won witnessed a beating and decides not to get involved out of fear. After that, she gets into it with a bank customer and co-worker. After the wo-worker confrontation, Hae-won decides to visit her grandfathers island where she visited as a child. Seo plays Bok-nam, the youngest woman on the island. The two had played together when they were young. The two strike up their friendship again. Bok-name however is treated more like a slave than a human. Eventually, Bok-nam cracks.
Seems that many of the Korean movies I've been watching lately are so dark. Exploring the darkness within humans. Where do you think you're humanity starts and others end. In this case, over and over, the abuse of Bok-nam becomes so common, its part of everyday life.
Major props to Seo Young-hee. Seo puts on an amazing performance of transforming herself into this island person. If you've seen her elsewhere, you know how beautiful Seo normally is.
The movie moved really slow as it really focused on character development for more than half the film. Much like other Korean films of late, be prepared to be a little shocked at the darkness presented.