In the trailer for the upcoming NBA2K15 video game, we see Jeremy Lin for a split second. That's good enough for me. But not good enough to go buy a system as still have my trusty Wii.
Chinese, Taiwanese, and Asian movies, dramas, music, and other tidbits from a Chinese-Taiwanese-American flavor and point of view.
Rank | Film Title |
1 | 失戀急讓 (Temporary Family) |
2 | Into The Storm (颶風中心) |
3 | 等一個人咖啡 (Deng Yi Ge Ren Ka Fei/Café.Waiting.Love.) |
4 | Lucy (Lucy: 超能煞姬) |
5 | Sin City 2 (罪惡城2:蛇蠍情人) |
6 | 閨密 (Close Friends/Girls) |
7 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (銀河守護隊) |
8 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (忍者龜:變種新任務) |
9 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) |
10 | 多啦A夢 - 新大雄的大魔境 (Stand by Me Doraemon/Doraemon the Movie:Nobita in the New Haunts of Evil - Peko and the Five Explorers) |
... | ... |
11 | 分手100次 (Fen Shou 100 Ci/Break Up 100) |
... | ... |
22 | 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | How to Train Your Dragon 2 (驯龙高手2) |
2 | 四大名捕大结局 (The Four 3) |
3 | 临时同居 (Temporary Family) |
4 | 反贪风暴 (Z Storm) |
5 | Pompeii /Apocalypse Pompeii (庞贝末日) |
6 | 绣春刀 (Brotherhood Of Blades) |
7 | Tarzan (丛林之王) |
8 | Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants (昆虫总动员) |
9 | 白雪公主之矮人力量 (Snow White The Power of Dwarfs) |
10 | Brick Mansions (暴力街区) |
Rank | Film Title | Weeks |
1 | Lucy (露西) | 1 |
2 | 等一個人咖啡 (Café.Waiting.Love.) | 2 |
3 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (忍者龜:變種世代) | 3 |
4 | 大宅們 (My Geeky Nerdy Buddies) | 1 |
5 | The Expendables 3 (浴血任務3) | 2 |
6 | 閨密 (Girls) | 4 |
7 | Step Up All In (舞力全開5) | 4 |
8 | Deliver Us From Evil (惡魔刑事錄) | 2 |
9 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (星際異攻隊) | 4 |
10 | Into the Storm (直闖暴風圈) | 3 |
11 | Planes: Fire And Rescue (飛機總動員:打火英雄) | 2 |
12 | 去看小洋蔥媽媽 (Pecoross’ Mother And Her Days) | 7 |
13 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) | 7 |
14 | 哪啊哪啊 - 神去村 (Wood Job!) | 1 |
15 | Jacky in Women's Kingdom (女子漢的顛倒性世界) | 1 |
16 | 人間中毒 (Obsessed) | 1 |
17 | K: Missing Kings | 2 |
18 | 頭文字D-覺醒 (Initial D the Movie - Legend 1: Awakening) | 1 |
19 | Blind (盲) | 1 |
20 | 蠟筆小新電影:大對決!機器人爸爸的反擊!(Crayon Shin-chan: Serious Battle! Robot Dad Strikes Back!) | 3 |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Into The Storm (颶風中心) |
2 | Lucy (Lucy: 超能煞姬) |
3 | 等一個人咖啡 (Deng Yi Ge Ren Ka Fei/Café.Waiting.Love.) |
4 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (銀河守護隊) |
5 | 閨密 (Close Friends/Girls) |
6 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (忍者龜:變種新任務) |
7 | 分手100次 (Fen Shou 100 Ci/Break Up 100) |
8 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) |
9 | 多啦A夢 - 新大雄的大魔境 (Stand by Me Doraemon/Doraemon the Movie:Nobita in the New Haunts of Evil - Peko and the Five Explorers) |
10 | Planes: Fire And Rescue (飛機總動員2:救火大行動) |
... | ... |
20 | 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above) |
... | ... |
26 | 盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Ritual/Yu Lan Shen Gong) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | How to Train Your Dragon 2 (驯龙高手2) |
2 | Brick Mansions (暴力街区) |
3 | Pompeii /Apocalypse Pompeii (庞贝末日) |
4 | 绣春刀 (Brotherhood Of Blades) |
5 | 白发魔女传之明月天国 (The White Haired Witch Of Lunar Kingdom) |
6 | 反贪风暴 (Z Storm) |
7 | 后会无期 (Continent) |
8 | 闺蜜 (Girls/Close Friend) |
9 | 神秘世界历险记2 (Yugo And Lala 2) |
10 | 秦时明月3D电影龙腾万里 (The Legend of Qin) |
Rank | Film Title | Weeks |
1 | 等一個人咖啡 (Café.Waiting.Love.) | 1 |
2 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (忍者龜:變種世代) | 2 |
3 | The Expendables 3 (浴血任務3) | 1 |
4 | Step Up All In (舞力全開5) | 3 |
5 | 閨密 (Girls) | 3 |
6 | Into the Storm (直闖暴風圈) | 2 |
7 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (星際異攻隊) | 3 |
8 | Deliver Us From Evil (惡魔刑事錄) | 1 |
9 | Planes: Fire And Rescue (飛機總動員:打火英雄) | 1 |
10 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) | 6 |
11 | K: Missing Kings | 1 |
12 | Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (猩球崛起:黎明的進擊) | 5 |
13 | 那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅Van (The Midnight After) | 1 |
14 | Hercules (海克力士) | 4 |
15 | Two Lives (替身風暴) | 2 |
16 | 蠟筆小新電影:大對決!機器人爸爸的反擊!(Crayon Shin-chan: Serious Battle! Robot Dad Strikes Back!) | 2 |
17 | A Thousand Times Good Night (一千次晚安) | 4 |
18 | How To Train Your Dragon 2 (馴龍高手2) | 7 |
19 | What If (The F Word/好友戀習簿) | 1 |
20 | Life Feels Good (人生多美好) | 3 |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Lucy (Lucy: 超能煞姬) |
2 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (銀河守護隊) |
3 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (忍者龜:變種新任務) |
4 | 分手100次 (Fen Shou 100 Ci/Break Up 100) |
5 | 閨密 (Close Friends/Girls) |
6 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) |
7 | 多啦A夢 - 新大雄的大魔境 (Stand by Me Doraemon/Doraemon the Movie:Nobita in the New Haunts of Evil - Peko and the Five Explorers) |
8 | Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (猿人爭霸戰:猩凶崛起) |
9 | Step Up All In (舞出真我5) |
10 | 聖鬥士星矢:聖域傳說 (Saint Seiya: Legend Of Sanctuary) |
... | ... |
21 | 白髮魔女傳之明月天國 (The White Haired Witch Of Lunar Kingdom) |
... | ... |
22 | 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above) |
... | ... |
25 | 盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Ritual/Yu Lan Shen Gong) |
... | ... |
31 | 催眠大師 (The Great Hypnotist) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | 白发魔女传之明月天国 (The White Haired Witch Of Lunar Kingdom) |
2 | Brick Mansions (暴力街区) |
3 | 后会无期 (Continent) |
4 | 闺蜜 (Girls/Close Friend) |
5 | 秦时明月3D电影龙腾万里 (The Legend of Qin) |
6 | 绣春刀 (Brotherhood Of Blades) |
7 | 神秘世界历险记2 (Yugo And Lala 2) |
8 | 龙之谷:破晓奇兵 (Dragon Nest - Warriors'dawn) |
9 | 京城81号 (The House That Never Dies) |
10 | 碟仙诡谭 (Die Xian Gui Tan) |
Rank | Film Title | Weeks |
1 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (忍者龜:變種世代) | 1 |
2 | Step Up All In (舞力全開5) | 2 |
3 | Into the Storm (直闖暴風圈) | 1 |
4 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (星際異攻隊) | 2 |
5 | 閨密 (Girls) | 2 |
6 | 等一個人咖啡 (Café - Waiting - Love) | 1 |
7 | Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (猩球崛起:黎明的進擊) | 4 |
8 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) | 5 |
9 | Hercules (海克力士) | 3 |
10 | How To Train Your Dragon 2 (馴龍高手2) | 6 |
11 | Transformers: Age of Extinction (變形金剛4:絕跡重生) | 7 |
12 | 蠟筆小新電影:大對決!機器人爸爸的反擊!(Crayon Shin-chan: Serious Battle! Robot Dad Strikes Back!) | 1 |
13 | Two Lives (替身風暴) | 1 |
14 | 黑執事 (Black Butler) | 1 |
15 | A Thousand Times Good Night (一千次晚安) | 3 |
16 | 詹姆斯卡麥隆之深海挑戰3D (Deepsea Challenge) | 1 |
17 | 盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Ritual/The Ghost Rituals) | 3 |
18 | 名偵探柯南:異次元的狙擊手 (The Sniper from Another Dimension) | 4 |
19 | 伴唱人生:聚光燈外20呎 (Twenty Feet from Stardom) | 1 |
20 | Life Feels Good (人生多美好) | 2 |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (銀河守護隊) |
2 | Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (猿人爭霸戰:猩凶崛起) |
3 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) |
4 | Step Up All In (舞出真我5) |
5 | 分手100次 (Fen Shou 100 Ci/Break Up 100) |
6 | 多啦A夢 - 新大雄的大魔境 (Stand by Me Doraemon/Doraemon the Movie:Nobita in the New Haunts of Evil - Peko and the Five Explorers) |
7 | Planes: Fire And Rescue (飛機總動員2:救火大行動) |
8 | Hercules (戰神:海格力斯) |
9 | Chef (滋味旅程) |
10 | How To Train Your Dragon 2 (馴龍記2) |
... | ... |
11 | 白髮魔女傳之明月天國 (The White Haired Witch Of Lunar Kingdom) |
... | ... |
17 | 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above) |
... | ... |
18 | 盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Ritual/Yu Lan Shen Gong) |
... | ... |
25 | 只要一分鐘 (One Minute More) |
... | ... |
27 | 催眠大師 (The Great Hypnotist) |
... | ... |
29 | 歸來 (Coming Home) |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | 白发魔女传之明月天国 (The White Haired Witch Of Lunar Kingdom) |
2 | 后会无期 (Continent) |
3 | 闺蜜 (Girls/Close Friend( |
4 | 京城81号 (The House That Never Dies) |
5 | Brick Mansions (暴力街区) |
6 | 小时代3:刺金时代 (Tiny Times 3) |
7 | 龙之谷:破晓奇兵 (Dragon Nest - Warriors'dawn) |
8 | 神笔马良 (The Magical Brush) |
9 | Dhoom 3 (幻影车神:魔盗激情) |
10 | 不再说分手 (Break Up 100) |
Rank | Film Title | Weeks |
1 | Step Up All In (舞力全開5) | 1 |
2 | Guardians Of The Galaxy (星際異攻隊) | 1 |
3 | 閨密 (Girls) | 1 |
4 | Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (猩球崛起:黎明的進擊) | 3 |
5 | Hercules (海克力士) | 2 |
6 | The Fault In Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾) | 4 |
7 | How To Train Your Dragon 2 (馴龍高手2) | 5 |
8 | 盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Ritual/The Ghost Rituals) | 2 |
9 | Transformers: Age of Extinction (變形金剛4:絕跡重生) | 6 |
10 | 名偵探柯南:異次元的狙擊手 (The Sniper from Another Dimension) | 3 |
11 | 哆啦A夢:新/大雄的大魔境~扁扁與五人之探險隊 (Doraemon the Movie: Nobita in the New Haunts of Evil - Peko and the Five Explorers) | 1 |
12 | A Thousand Times Good Night (一千次晚安) | 2 |
13 | 7500鬼航班 | 2 |
14 | Life Feels Good (人生多美好) | 1 |
15 | 22 Jump Street (龍虎少年隊:童顏巨捕) | 3 |
16 | Cruel And Unusual (迴路人生) | 2 |
17 | Love Is In The Air (我的極品前男友) | 3 |
18 | 白雪公主殺人事件 (The Snow White Murder Case) | 3 |
19 | Under The Skin (肌膚之侵) | 3 |
20 | 青天霹靂 (A Bolt From The Blue) | 1 |
Rank | Film Title |
1 | Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (猿人爭霸戰:猩凶崛起) |
2 | Step Up All In (舞出真我5) |
3 | Planes: Fire And Rescue (飛機總動員2:救火大行動) |
4 | Hercules (戰神:海格力斯) |
5 | Transformers: Age of Extinction (變形金剛:殲滅世紀) |
6 | How To Train Your Dragon 2 (馴龍記2) |
7 | Chef (滋味旅程) |
8 | Deliver Us From Evil (今 - 猛 - 夜) |
9 | 盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Ritual/Yu Lan Shen Gong) |
10 | 輝耀姬物語 (The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya/The Tale Of Princess Kaguya) |
... | ... |
15 | 看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above) |
... | ... |
20 | 只要一分鐘 (One Minute More) |
... | ... |
22 | 催眠大師 (The Great Hypnotist) |
... | ... |
26 | Z風暴 (Z Storm) |
... | ... |
28 | 歸來 (Coming Home) |