Who's the PHOB? Kate Junghee Shin of Wemi:t LLC.
Eh? You might ask. Kate Shin turn up on a segment of HGTV's Million Dollar Homes 4. Kate was showing off her New York "Waterfall Mansion" on the show. The 5 story was bought back in 2008 for 8.5 million and is now being listed for 35 million. On the show, Kate notes that the 5 story took approximately 3-4 million dollars of renovations over a 1 year period.
Why is Kate a PHOB? Well, Kate has an MBA from Yonsei as well as schools in the NYC area. During the show, Kate's accented English totally reminded me of my Korean BOBA (brought over by airplane vs FOB) friends. But Kate's accent was super sultry and she was quite ravishing during her 5 minute segment on the show. That's why I choose Kate as the PHOB of the week!
Since I barely have time to blog these days and with DIII being released in May, there's no way for me to do a weekly PHOB segment. I am dropping the "week" and just calling it "Who's the PHOB?" from now on.
<< The last PHOB, Taiwan-Born American...
...The next PHOB, Chloe Bennet>>
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