2009 has now come and gone and it was a pretty good year in terms of dramas. My two favorites of 2009 are:
痞子英雄 (Black and White)
Black and White was the best action drama series I've seen out of Taiwan ever. Vic Chou gives a dynamic performance of both confidence and insecurity at the same time. How can that be? I don't know, Vic pulled it off and had me hooked. Mark Chao was introduced to the Chinese market with this series and his star is just going to keep rising. Mark gave a solid performance for a new comer and held his own with his father. Janine Chang continues to mesmerize me. Janine's turned in a CSI type performance. Black and White also introduced me to Sonia Sui. Sonia was sexy and in control. I couldn't take my eyes off Sonia. Amazing drama. I am looking to re-watch this around the March and April timeframe.
心星的淚光 (Starlit)
Jerry's return to romantic flare was welcomed in my book. After
籃球火 (Hot Shot), I didn't want Jerry in any "hard" roles. Starlit didn't let me down. Jerry was his emotional self that took the series to uncharted territory for him. Although I am not a Terri Kwan fan, her presence in the drama didn't affect me. Alice Tzeng was beautiful and played a very vulnerable role. Alice was beautiful as always and was in the series far too little time. The surprise of the series for me was the supporting role of Zhang Xi Xi. Xi Xi stole the show for me everytime she appeared. Xi Xi was seriously underused in the series.
The only other drama of 2009 that I was able to watch completely was:
敗犬女王 (My Queen)
This started 2009 with a bang. Recording the highest ratings of 2009 (I think some Taiwanese language serials had higher ones). It also solidified Ethan Ruan as a legitimate leading man. I had mixed feeling about this drama as I really enjoyed the first third, hated the middle, and only mildly enjoyed the ending. The one bright spot was Jessica Song's involvement. They should have incorporated Jessica Song into the drama more.
I started on these, but have not finished:
福氣又安康 (Easy Fortune Happy Life)
Got through the first 5 episodes. Haven't picked it up since. I do intend to finish this, but it is not a great series by any stretch of the imagination.
敲敲愛上你 (Knock Knock Loving You)
I got a version that was so bad, I couldn't stand watching it even for more than 10 minutes. Awaiting a better version to arrive in Los Angeles.
協奏曲 (The Concerto) - I watched about 3 episodes. I think I stopped it in the middle of an episode, threw my arms up in disgust and tossed the DVD box somewhere I can't find anymore. Lee Wei, not a fan. Esther Liu, annoying personality. Edde Peng? I know its gonna be a "coming of age" story for him, but his before is totally bad.
微笑在我心 (Always Smile!) - Ming Dao being green. Green! Zhang Jia Ni and Zhang Xi Xi. I am into the first third and like it. It's not officially Taiwanese, but its a Ming Dao fronted drama! I'll finish this soon and write it up.
老王同學會 (Lao Wang Tong Xue Hui) - About a third in. The story is for a father thats a little further along than me, but I completely get his POV. I'll finish this someday.
I have these, just haven't started:
幸福的抉擇 (I Do?) - Got this in the bargain bin a few months ago.
愛就宅一起 (ToGetHer) - Got this the other day. I have too many things to watch.
I want to watch these, maybe someday:
一代神相賴布衣波麗士大人 (Police et vous)那一年的幸福時光 - I'll need the Taiwanese translated for me. Until than, I'll be avoiding this. Even though Sonia Sui is in it.
閃亮的日子 (Bling Days) - Can't past up Biance Bai and Linda Liao!
魔女18號 - Looks interesting, probably never going to watch this.
我在1949,等你 (Letter 1949) - Good: only 12 episodes. Bad: finding time for 12 episodes with my backlog.
王子看見二公主 (Prince + Princess 2) - If I see it in the bargain bin.
These 3 are still broadcasting, will watch for sure:
下一站,幸福 (Autumn's Concerto)海派甜心 (Hi My Sweetheart)桃花小妹 (Momo Love)